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Se celebra a Mallorca la primera Jornada de debat amb actrius i actors

Mireia Covas | Mallorca La Jornada, coorganitzada per la Mallorca Film Commission (MFC) i l’Associació d’Actors i Actrius Professionals de les Illes Balears (AAAPIB), i amb la col·laboració de la Delegació de la Presidència per a la Cultura, es va celebrar aquest dissabte al Casal de barri s’Escorxador, amb una assistència nombrosa. L’increment de rodatges

By |2020-02-17T09:25:56+00:00February 17th, 2020|NEWS|Comments Off on Se celebra a Mallorca la primera Jornada de debat amb actrius i actors

La Mallorca Film Commission assisteix a la junta anual de CineRegio, a Roma

Mireia Covas | Roma CineRegio és una xarxa que agrupa 48 fons de cinema regionals europeus en 12 estats, de la qual Mallorca forma part des del 2017 Durant els dies 18, 19 i 20 de novembre se celebra la junta de CineRegio, coincidint amb el Festival de Cinema de Roma. En aquesta junta, els

By |2019-11-19T13:10:52+00:00November 19th, 2019|NEWS|Comments Off on La Mallorca Film Commission assisteix a la junta anual de CineRegio, a Roma

Casting call – Netflix International Series

Mireia Covas | Mallorca The Mallorca Film Commission supports the new filming of Netflix in Mallorca! Here is all the information about the casting:   CONTACT: castinglineasblancas@gmail.com   DATE: Tuesday April 9, 2019   PLACE: LA MISERICORDIA CULTURAL CENTER (patio and ground floor room). Hospital Square, 4. Palma   SCHEDULE: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00

By |2020-01-09T12:47:39+00:00April 3rd, 2019|NEWS|Comments Off on Casting call – Netflix International Series

The Mallorca Film Commission announces the 1st Edition of the Mallorca Film Awards

Through the Mallorca Tourism Foundation, the awards will recognize the value of the works filmed in Mallorca, by local or foreign authors, and of the professionals that take part in them The Mallorca Film Commission published the first call of the Film Awards on March 7th. These awards are intended to promote the creation and

By |2020-01-09T13:05:00+00:00March 11th, 2019|NEWS|Comments Off on The Mallorca Film Commission announces the 1st Edition of the Mallorca Film Awards

DVD presentation of the movie “Bittersweet days”, by Marga Melià

Mireia Covas | MALLORCA On April 25, the Mallorca Film Commission will present the DVD of the indie romantic comedy Bittersweet days , the first opera by the Mallorcan filmmaker Marga Melià at La Misericòrdia Cultural Center. The press conference will be held at 11.30 in the Press Room (1st floor), will be open to

By |2020-01-10T09:07:25+00:00April 12th, 2018|Con_Imagen, NEWS|Comments Off on DVD presentation of the movie “Bittersweet days”, by Marga Melià

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