Audiovisual funding
Currently there are several aids that can benefit different audiovisual products shot in Mallorca.
Here you can find a guide of the main supports to the audiovisual promoted from Mallorca, from the national scope and from the international scope.
Audiovisual funding – local scope (Mallorca)
Mallorca Film Commission
Attention! Important information COVID19!
- Sponsorship
- Mallorca Cinema Awards
- Subsidies to support the organisation of media events in Mallorca
- #MallorcaFilmConfinats
- Subsidies for the development of audiovisual works related to Mallorca
- Contest of ideas for scripts / production of short films for Mallorcan image NEW!
Palma Film Office
Audiovisual funding – autonomical scope (Illes Balears)
- ILLENC / Illes Balears Film Commission
- Incentius Econòmics Regionals (Fons Europeus)
Audiovisual funding – national scope (Spain)
Audiovisual funding – international scope
*You can also check the Audiovisual Law of the Balearic Islands (Llei Audiovisual de les Illes Balears Llei 5/2013).